For You And Yours
2015 JANUARY 03
::: This year I am a little bit late with the Happy New Year Wishes...<< /\/\
The days of holidays are special. Not that any other day you can live love, enjoy life and do good are any less special than the holidays, but with the holidays almost everyone thinks about each other. Sharing love and food with family and friends... Like it supposed to be... Always... Every day...
Anyway... I am sharing some love and good vibes for you and yours in this 'new' year... All the best... Don't think... Just do it... Be creative... Create... With love...
Official Music Video: Plutonium - Junky
2014 AUGUST 18
::: The official music video.<< /\/\
Finally this project is over and done. The Dutch music band Plutonium gave a release party today for the new fresh video. As of tomorow it can be viewed via Youtube. It took us ten months together with all preparations and all. But now it is here... The new and first official music video of Plutonium.
Check it out now. Listen carefully, cause it sounds ridiculous at first, but when you overstand the concept it's pretty awesome.
FRESH from the PRESS...
Dutch Music Band: Plutonium
2014 APRIL 13
::: A new video project.<< /\/\
Today I've started with the new music video project for the Dutch metalpunk rockhiphop band Plutonium. We've been talking about this project as of October 2013. Due to the bad and cold weather of the winter, problems with the first locations and an operation on the hand of the drummer, all was pusponed.
The good thing of it all is that we've had lots of time to prepare for this project. All was getting better and better: the locations, the cast, the movie props, and the operated hand of the drummer.
Today I've filmed the cast within the storyline on the first location. Next week we'll film the band shots on the second location. After that I can focus myself on the editing of the video. Coming real soon to a screen near you...
Started My Own Business
2014 MARCH 06
::: With love and passion for being creative I made art in a lot of ways.<< /\/\
After all these years and all of the positive reactions about my artwork I started to think by myself... Would it be a good step to start for my own? Take the path of the future in my own hands? At first it was a bit of scary, I might say. But now that I took the step at the end of 2013 I'm glad I did it. All in the spirit of my state of mind: Create Your Self... Or as I've spelled it: Create Ur Self...
Ofcourse I'm still in my starters phase, but I can tell you this: I am more myself now than I've ever been. So that's the reason why I didn't update my creative blog for a long time. I was grinding and hustling hard to get my sh!t straight. And I still am. But from now of on I will try to keep my creative blog updated. So please keep this webpage in mind and visit me once in a while.
Happy FKKN Newyear
2014 JANUARY 01
::: At the end there is always a new beginning.<< /\/\
For all my followers... Welcome to the year two thousand and fourteen...
For You And Yours
2013 DECEMBER 20
::: These days are about being with family and friends.<< /\/\
For all my followers... Enjoy these days and each other. Dare to share...
Selected for Nederlandse Film Festival
::: Our short movie has been selected for NFF Online Competition 2013.<< /\/\
At the end of July Create-Ur-Self and RPM bundled their creative powers and wrote a (short)movie script, casted the crew and actors, found a location to film, filmed the situation, edited the movie and dubbed the moviesounds and effects within 9 days. (thanx al lot to every one who commited their time and energy to help us out, highly appreciated).
BUT NOW THE 'BIG' THING IS... Our movie has been selected by Nederlandse Film Festival for the NFF Online Competition 2013! So my question is: Would you be so kind to take a couple of seconds to VOTE for our movie? It's real easy...
Just go to the website: and their on the right of the videoscreen you have a searchbar. Just type in KUT and click search. After that the movie starts to play and you can push in the green button VOTE UP. Just that easy...
Do not forget... You can VOTE as many times as possible... So feel free to make it a dayjob or something (smile).
Do you find these instructions a little bit difficult?
Than you can follow these 3 EASY STEPS on the image bellow. Just as easy...
* For more information about or to see the short movie KUT:
Read the news article of 2013 AUGUST 01.
Short Film: KUT
2013 AUGUST 01
::: The first official (short) movie by KIJKcypher.<< /\/\
KIJKcypher is a collaboration between Create-Ur-Self and RPM Company. They bundled their creative powers and made their first (short) movie together. The name of the movie is KUT. Free translated from out of the Dutch language one of the meanings is: SH!T. The situation displayed in this short film is pretty shitty, so that's the reason for this strong title.
Be so kind and give us a comment on Youtube about what you think of our first 'blockbuster' movie :P ( Go To Youtube Channel Here )
Videoclip: MR.Kweek - Mix van Hennepuz n Alkohol
2013 JULY 11
::: The Last official video for the music project De Samenvatting.<< /\/\
On the 11th of July in the year 2012, MR.Kweek released his mixtape project De Samenvating. The project was a summary of his best songs of the last decade. This video is the last one to promote this project and his musical side of creativity.
Real HipHop Don't Stop...
To download the whole De Samenvatting project, go to HERE
or watch other videos by Create-Ur-Self and CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Change Has Come
2013 JULY
::: Create-Ur-Self...<< /\/\
In other words: Create Yourself. Create-Ur-Self is my message. Create-Ur-Self is my mind state. Create-Ur-Self could be your manifestation...
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Photography: Right At Home
2013 APRIL
::: Kids Daycare: Right At Home.<< /\/\
They wanted to recreate their website. Therefor they needed some new photos. They used a couple of my photos for on their website.
>>> Check out their website <<<
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Logo Design: Amy's Dans Studio
::: The official design for the logo of Amy's Dans Studio.<< /\/\
In March this year dance teacher Amy Ojers will open up her doors for the first time of her own dance studio. This logo is officially designed for Amy's Dans Studio...
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Videoclip: MR.Kweek - 1x (Eén Keer)
2013 JANUARI 28
::: The First official video for the music project De Samenvatting.<< /\/\
On the 11th of July in the year 2012, MR.Kweek released his latest mixtape project De Samenvating. This project was a summary of his best tracks of the last decade. This video is to promote the project and his music. Real HipHop Don't Stop...
To download the whole De Samenvatting project, go to HERE
or watch other videos by Create-Ur-Self and CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
2012 DECEMBER 22
::: A special Best Wishes card design because of 21-12-2012.<< /\/\
This card is designed because of all the comotion about this date: 21st December of 2012. According to many scientists the Maya culture predicted the end of the world on this date. Because of the holidays of Christmas and the New Year 2013 coming up, this Best Wishes card is made for You & Yours...
To check out this or other card designs, go to MY CARDS section or CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Videoclip: Samora with Blend-It
2012 NOVEMBER 05
::: A videoclip of Samora teamed up with the schoolband Blend-It.<< /\/\
This video is Co-directed by Create-Ur-Self. For a school project Samora teamed up with the schoolband Blend-It. It's an uplifting song for anybody who is feeling down, and got the feeling life isn't going as planned. Don't give up! Create-Ur-Self also filmed, build a part of the set, assisted on the set and co-edited this video.
To check out this or other videos, go to MY VIDEOS section or CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Flyer Design: De Rauwe School
2012 OCTOBER 15
::: For the monthly HipHop event De Rauwe School.<< /\/\
From next month I am designing the flyers for the monthly HipHop event De Rauwe School in Amsterdam City. This event is organized by Casto (from Onderhonden and Plutonium) and Jason van Loon (from 5-Elementz). Every first Saterday of the month they try to have a line-up with local artists and internationals. The new De Rauwe School logo on the front of the flyers is also a design of Create-Ur-Self.
To check out these or other flyers from close-up, go to MY FLYER section or CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Videoclip: Samora's Cover of Restless
2012 OCTOBER 01
::: An acoustic jamsession of the song Restless (cover).<< /\/\
Last saterday I helped out filming the footage for the videoclip of singer/songwriter Samora. In collaboration with Realiteitpad Muziek/RPM/Reality Path Music and REAL productions. Vanessa Veldhuis on the keys and HurraKane the SoundZtorm on the beat(box). The original song is from singer/songwriter Nneka.
To check out this or other videos, go to MY VIDEOS section or CLICK HERE.
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
Music Video Shooting
::: For an upcoming music video.<< /\/\
On the 10th and 11th of September I did some Music Video Shooting for an upcoming video of MR.Kweek. I had some help of Iyobel from Realiteitpad Muziek and Dafreez. Special thanks to Armando from REAL productions.
To Be Continued...
::: Create-Ur-Self :::
::: 2012 - 2015 © CREATE-UR-SELF :::
Please ask for permission before using any images or footage
All creative art by JERL aka MR.Kweek | website by Area151 | e-mail:
<< /\/\